Tuesday 27 February 2007

on the 21st of feb 07 we re-shot deep's scene so that we could improve on it. we used a variety of shots such as close-ups and pov shots and others.

following week (26/02/07)

furthermore we shot the other finishing touches to the othe key characters, howver we are unfinshed as we have paid too much attention to detail and are setback a little longer that the deadline. we will have finished our practical production footage by the end of the week and then start editing.


Monday 26 February 2007

Progress Report For Week Starting 26/02

We will unfortunately not be able to complete our filming for tomorrow's deadline. Whilst we have filmed 3/4 of the footage required to make up our proposed opening scene, we have collectively come to the decision that a lot of the footage is not good enough to make the final cut. This is for a variety of reasons. In particular, the quality of the lighting and sound in some of the footage has proved to be a big let down.

With this said, we now believe we have the right settings and equipment to avoid a repeat of the previous setbacks. We will be aiming to complete our filming by the end of the week.

- Aman

Wednesday 21 February 2007

Progress Report

Yesterday (21-02-07) we completed my flashback which was the final version.

During the week, we'll finish off Kabir's flashback as we need to shoot the end of it and we'll re-shoot Saz's flashback. We'll also discuss a few changes that have taken place.

Then at the weekend, we will finish off any shots we need etc.


Saturday 17 February 2007

Blog Errors

Some of the text might be out of place etc, as the blog isn't working properly. I'll try to fix it as soon as.


Test Screening Feedback


  • Media Language (A)
  • Conventions (B)
  • Creativity (A)
  • Attention to Detail (B)
  • Technical Proficiency (A)

Positive comments

  • Cinematography

    The POV shot was very creative as well as being good. A variety of shots were good as well as the re-use of shots. Excellent editing, additionally the use of a blurry shot was well thought out.
  • Mise-en -scene

    The setting was good. The use of props was very good; the cocaine, suit and ring were excellent.
  • Lighting

    There were good effects such as the use of lighting.
  • Sound

    The parallel music was used to great effect, also it suited the genre, scene and was a good choice overall.
  • Conventions

    The mise-en-scene suited the genre, where by the audience can relate to it.

Constructive Criticism

  • Cinematography

    We received no criticism.
  • Mise-en-scene

    More gangster conventions needed.
  • Lighting

    The lighting was too dull, perhaps dark lighting would have suited the scene better.
  • Sound

    We received no criticism.
  • Conventions

    We received no criticism

Suggestions and Ideas

  • What else would you (or the target audience) like to see in this production?

    The shots could be longer.
  • Suggestions for post-production/editing

    We received no comments within this section.

    - Deep

Tuesday 13 February 2007

The Priest Mock up Flashback

This is a mock up flashback of Saz'z (Priest) it uses typical conventions like parallel sound and mise en scene. We shot this on the 11th of feb at Saz'z house. The flashback uses a Pov shot with a blood drip effect to create the effect that blood is all over the victims eyes and face.

P.S. Thanks Vivek for being victimised

By Jas

The Baptist Preview Flashback

This is a short unfinished Preview of Kabir's (Baptist) Flashback. It was shot on 8th of feb at my house, in the garage. The Mise en scene is perfect as it gritty and grey which is a typical convention, used in gangster films such as in Reservoir Dogs. The sound is parallel as it describes The Baptist's role and his personality.

By Jas

Monday 12 February 2007

'Blog Comments'

What do you think of our blog?

What do you particularly like about it? What's especially impressive?

What could be improved? What's missing or could be added?

Based on what you've read on the blog (and maybe seen in test screenings in class) what suggestions do you have regarding what we could do to make our Practical Production really successful?

What other things could we include in the production?

How should we go about filming any remaining scenes or editing the footage during post-production (+ suggestions for music, etc.)?

Sunday 11 February 2007

Progress Report

Today (11-2-07) we completed Saz's flashback, everthing went well. We don't need anymore footage for this shot, so we can now look towards re-shooting my flashback aswell as the other characters.

During the week we will finish of Kabir's flashback, aswell as drawing up the tracking shot. We may also begin to record the voice over, however we may opt for using an extra for the voice over.

Also, thanks to George and Vivek for helping us out.


Saturday 10 February 2007

Progress Report

The work completed so far

My mock up flashback was completed, and we are happy with how it went as well as being happy with the quality of it. However we began to use the camera more, and began to be aware of important factors such as lighting, mise-en-scene, sound and many other aspects. We now believe that we have learnt more and are now in a better frame of mind on how to achieve things. I know personally feel that my mock up, although cited as being excellent by many, that is was honestly a poor attempt in terms of what we are capable of.

At the moment, we have completed Kabir’s flashback and we are happy with the footage we have. However, we do feel that once we begin to edit we will need more footage for the end of his scene.

Research and ideas

I began to watch more and more home made films, as well as many previous GHS student videos. As well as reading a lot of articles, I now know that reaching a higher level of quality is very achievable. By watching a film and analysing shots, it becomes easier to learn now to achieve x angles, and y lighting by putting yourself into the scene and considering how the director did this or that.

Over the next week

On Sunday 11th February we will begin to shoot Saz’s flashback, as well as considering my own flashback. However, this may not be the case, and we may have to shoot both flashbacks during the week. The tracking shot will be planned and drawn up, then executed as a mock during the week. By next weekend, we should have all the flashbacks completed.

- Deep

The Priest: Flashback

Big P aka The "Priest."

{ Screen is black, the only sound heard is heavy breathing and muttering....
POV shot is shaking, due to the intesity of the victims beatings....}

{ POV shot from the victims eyes at a silouette of Big P, disguised by the shadow }

Big P: " So you thought you could just take the money an' leave eh? Not so clever now are we child...."

{ Eyesight/ POV shot still blurry and shaky. Quick glance on the silver object to Big P's side }

{ Fear can be heard from the victims voice }
Victim: " Please P, I didn't mean to run, I'll get the money, I promise..."

{ Camera tracks to shot of Big P's fist clenching and reaching towards his right side. He slowly draws for his gun with a hint of smoke in the background }
Big P: " Promises dont mean nothing to me, Im a hitman, you know these things { pause }... the killing, this whole business it comes easy to me, I get paid great money to do something I love. But... snakes like you dont deserve a place in this world. "

{ POV shot from Big P's side, see a man tied up, harshly beaten with his shirt ripped open and the letter 'P' engraved into the victims chest. Lighting is dim, with hints of smoke floating around from the half finishd cigar in the ash tray }
Victim: " No P, please, im begging ! "

{ Sounds of distant struggling in the background, but all sound zoned onto the words of Big P, as if the mic was right beside his mouth }
Big P: { To himself } " Though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil, for i am the baddest motherfucker in the valley. "
[ Gunshots ]

- Saz

[This scene is the base idea, however it may be altered at a later date - Deep]

Thursday 8 February 2007

Whiskey's Mock Up Flashback

This is Deep's (whiskey) flash back this is not the final one as we will try oout more ideas. We used parallel sound to emphasis what he is doin... snorting "coke". Also we layered a clip onto another clip to create that effect he is "high" also we used a thick piece of glass (this is the pov shot). We took a shot of a multicouloured lamp shade to create the effect of him"high " as there are various colours. We got this idea from the pov shot in Kidulthood when Trevor is drunk in London.

By Jas

Monday 5 February 2007

Whiskey's Flashback.

Deep’s Flashback

Within the restaurant, the tracking shot follows the ‘Rose Mob’ sitting down, drinking and talking to one another. The shot goes past a few people; the camera then stops at me where the camera is placed in front of my face. I am currently looking straight into the camera.

Post production additions

-Black and white effect to be added
-Freeze frame needs to be faded out of the tracking shot, and back into the tracking shot
-Text written: “Whiskey”
-Narration needs to be added to talk about who Whiskey is

Straight cut to a short clip; Whiskey’s flashback. (Back to normal colours)

Whiskey’s character and personality will be developed here, this is where the audience will be able to identify with how I fit into the film, and where I lie within the ‘Rose Mob’

The short clip shows me sitting in an office/at a desk sniffing cocaine. To my right will be a mountain of cocaine, where I continuously rub my nose and sniff. Lines of cocaine are in front of me, the camera sees me put my head down to sniff a line presumably, where the camera can only see my arm and the crown of my head. The camera would then switch to the door where a policeman would walk in and he waits at the door. The camera would switch back to the desk, then slowly move down to show me lifting my head up to reveal the lines are gone with my wiping my nose continuously and sniffing.
