Sunday, 18 March 2007

Deep's Self Evaluation

Attainment - 1 - It's good (?)

Effort - 1 - I always complete my work.

Punctuality - 1 - I'm always early

Submission and quality of homework - 2 - It's sometimes late, but in terms of quality just ask Ms. Stevens

Ability to work independently - 1 - I try and ignore Pardeep.

Quality of writing - 1 - Ask Ms. Stevens about my essays.

Organisation of Media folder - 3 - In the last two to three weeks, it's become a bit messy.

Oral contributions in class - 1 - I contribute often.

Quality of coursework - 1 - It's amazing.

Standard of Module 3 blog (Year 12s only) - 1 - It's neatly composed and we're always up to date with our progress reports.

b. Make a list of three targets/areas for improvement to be achieved before study leave.

- Revise.

- Concentrate more.
- Try not to get bored and draw stuff.

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