Monday, 7 May 2007

final blog report

okkkk okkkk okkkay mad crazy propz (a language we created during editing or 4/5 guys editing/trapped, in one
room in the middle of the night),
we are finally done after going through every problem unimaginable (yer thats right) , from losing clips, corrupting clips, no sound, moving from one computer to another (we were computer gypsys). this production cost us 4 weeks of our lives, 3 weeks back we thought we were done and celebrated only to find out on our tutorial we have to add more scenes and edit. we were the group with the best ideas but just could not get around to making the scenes scripted and relied on our intricate shots. last week we edited hard, i came back at 4 on monday mornin from kabirs' house; my parents think im living the life of a drug dealer walking in the middle .one thing i've learnt is to make a solid script and expext the unexpected. although our production was late and our group has earnt the rep of the under dog i am more than happy with it and excited to get what we deserve on media awards evening.


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