Monday, 22 January 2007

Goodfellas Research (Jas)

Jas's research

1. About the text...

What is the text? When was it produced? Who produced/directed it?
this is a clip from Goodfellas which was directed by Martin Scorsese and distributed in the 1990's.

Who is the target audience? How do you know?

the target audience for the Goodfellas would be mostly males from a middleclass and working class backgorund. the reason for this is, the gangster genre was and still is a lhuge hit with the audience. the middle class audiences would watch the film because of the director Martin Scorsese, however the working class would watch the film because of famous actors they idolise.

Where would you usually expect to see this text? What channel? Time? etc.

i would expect to see this film on tv, on film 4 as channel distributes classic films such as scareface or the usual suspects and Goodfellas. iwould expect that this film would start on at 9 pm or 11pm on a thursday as this is when the sopranos are shown on e4, this is a recognised day for channel 4 families gangster night.

2. Different features it has...

What is distinctive about its camerawork, editing, sound, mise-en-scene, etc.?

the most distinctive thing about the film is the 3 miniute tracking shot which is amazing, as the cost for this shot would've been sky high. this id the clip i have chosen from Goodfellas, it uses no editing like fades or cuts " sometimes the least amount of editing could make the film and scene unique". the sound is parallel to this scene as they are in a restaurant. this restaurtant is like the entertainment area for the gangsters, "the gangster den".

What typical conventions of its genre does it use?

the typical conventions the this film uses for its genre are that the characters are wearing clean sharp italian suits, with an american accent. this indicates where the americans are from, giving the audience the idea that the characters areliving the "amrican dream". the other typical convention i when the gangster ray liotta is goving big tips to doorman and the restaurant workers, this shows that he is a "big shot. additionally the "greasey" oiled hair suggest that they are typical gangsters.

What elements could you appropriate (borrow) for your production?

the elements that we could appropriate from th efilm and the scene is the tracking shot as this is hardly used in films and neither have we used this type of shopt. however this shot may be difficult to shot but we are prepared and willing to put the time and effort into the shoot.

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