Monday, 22 January 2007

Lock Stock Research (Kabir + Aman)

Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, 1998, Guy Ritchie is a British production which makes it very closely related to our planned production. this particular scene shows Vinnie Jones terrorising another character while he is in a tanning booth, immediately it comes to ones mind that this is a black comedy, which takes seemingly life threatening issues and twists them to make it sinister and somewhat paaletable to the audience. i belive this is a more than successful aspect of the movie and i feel that it would be wise to consider some humour reminiscant to the one in this clip for our production. moreover, i feel that the combined use of point of view shots with high angles are critical. the man in the booth is shown looking up at Vinnie and therefore vinnie looks emensely more powerful to the audience, this is another aspect that can be put in to our production because as in any gangster films, power is always central to any occurances. the cut to white is also a very good shot as the it is quite shocking and catches the audience of guard therefore forcing the attention of the audience. this is very good for a movie of this sort because any production strives for one common thing which is engrossing the audience to the fullest.

- Kabir

1. About the text...
The text is a clip from Guy Ritchie's British Gangster film 'Lock Stock n Two Smoking Barrels', produced in 1998. It is aimed at 18 - 30 year olds primarly because of it's combination of adult themes and explicit violence. With the possible exception of BBC, this film can be expected to be seen on any channel playing mainstream films.

2. Different features it has...
The most distinct shot used in this clip is the point-of-view shot which switches from the perspective of the abused and abuser. The long leather jacket worn, accompanied by the cockney accent is a typical convention of the gritty natured British Gangster films. As we are planning to have a torture influenced scene as one of our flashbacks, we will undoubtedly be using the POV shot as it enables the audience to successfuly identitfy with both characters involved.

- Aman

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